
Small changes make bigger impacts; Tech world recap.

Small changes make bigger impacts; Tech world recap.

This article will have all Changes that happened to various tech products in the past week. Respectively we are going to see products Like YouTube, WhatsApp, Google Tasks, Gboard and Instagram.

WhatsApp doubled the group limit from 256 to 512 people; Now rolling out to all.

Google Tasks now let you star tasks and filter started tasks as well.

GoogleMaps now showing the air quality index.

Small changes make bigger impacts; Tech world recap.

Instagram rolling out rounded buttons and a pin post feature.

Finally, Gboard themed navbar is here: This means now your navigation bar will adapt and get the same colour as your Gboard theme.

Gboard themed nav bar

YouTube for Android is showing waveforms to indicate most replayed portions when we control slide control playback.

These are minor but, pretty impactful changes that happened on various tech products like YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp, Gboard, and Google Tasks throughout previous week.

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