
The art of ad-blocking: how to block ads on android | No apps needed

The art of ad-blocking: how to block ads on android | No apps needed

This article is a guide to show how to block ads on Android device without downloading any apps.

Why I am saying Android instead of Android Phone cause this can be applied for all Android devices like phone and smart watches with wear OS and so on.

After reading this article your browsing will look like this…

The art of ad-blocking: how to block ads on android | No apps needed

Step 1: Create a Private DNS profile

Explanation for Private DNS require a separate article so if you are skeptical In simple terms using a privacy friendly Private DNS far better for using the default Public DNS set by your ISP.

What are the some good Private DNS that you can use?

  1. AdGuard DNS – Free for 300K requests per month
  2. NextDNS – Free for 300K requests per month
  3. Control D – Paid | Now also have a free tier.
  4. LibreDNS – Encrypted Public DNS | Imposter yet very good free easy to use DNS for ad blocking

So, go to that link and create an account if you are going to use 1, 2 or 3. If you are going to use 4 no need to create account. 300 000 requests is enough for personal use so no need to pay if you do not want.

Step 2: Setting filters in Private DNS

I assume you have created an account and selected all custom filters that you want. Here are my favorite filter lists. AdGuard: AdGuard DNS Fliter, 1Hosts (Lite), Ublock filters && NextDNS Filters: AdGuard, 1Hosts (Lite & Pro), EasyPrivacy

Now your filter list is ready it’s time for doing Copy, Pasting.

Step 3: Where to copy from

AdGuard: Dashboard > Connect new device > Select Android and Give a name > Configure manually/ Use DNS server address. From there copy the DNS over TLS address.

NextDNS: Setup > Endpoints > DNS over TLS/QUIC and copy the address from their.

Step 3: Where to paste to

Set it for Whole Android Phone

Now we have copied the address now pasting time. Go to your Android settings page if you have a search just search Private DNS or DNS you will get the option or else check for Network & Internet settings > Private DNS > Select Private DNS Provider their and paste what you have copied. Save…

Wait if you have copied from the AdGuard remove the tls:// part and paste.

That’s it now try visit your DNS setup page again it will show green signal if it showing in red it means you have done something wrong so check the instructions again.

Set if for Chrome (Also other browsers than FireFox) | Optional

If you set it to the whole device you do not have to do this it’s optional but instead If you want to block ads only in your Chrome browser then this is what you can do open browser Settings > Privacy and Security > Use secure DNS > Choose another provider > Select Custom and paste the DNS URL here instead of copying the DNS over TLS address you have to copy DNS over HTTPS address and paste that it.

That’s it you can enjoy ad free internet from now on. If you still see ads check your configurations or add more ad filters.

The art of ad-blocking: how to block ads on android | No apps needed

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