
Small changes will create bigger impacts | Tech world recap for this week (16/07/2022).

Weekly Digest Appdate

This article is a quick recap on changes and app updates of tech products from the previous 2 weeks (16/07/2022). And includes details on the following changes.

WhatsApp let you set a disappearing message timer in bulk.

WhatsApp testing bulk select chats feature to apply disappearing message timer. As shown below now you can set the default disappearing message timer for specific chats in bulk.

WhatsApp bulk select for disappearing messages

This is currently in the testing phase and will be available for all sooner.

WhatsApp now let you delete messages to all after 2 days and 12 hours.

WhatsApp testing the ability to delete messages after 2 days, 12 hours; Previously the time limit was 1 hour, 8 minutes, and 16 seconds.

WhatsApp delete message timer

This feature is currently in testing and will be available for all users soon.

Google Meet getting Miro whiteboard integration.

Google Meet getting Miro (an online whiteboard app similar to Microsoft whiteboard). Which will let you collaborate with fellow participants and brainstorm.

Small changes will create bigger impacts | Tech world recap for this week (16/07/2022).
Source: Google

This integration is available when using Google Meet on Chrome or Microsoft Edge at this time according to Google.

Google play store got more material you touch.

Now every button inside the play store is rounded following Google’s material you design language.

Rounded Play store buttons

Now you can use any emoji you want as a WhatsApp reaction.

As we showed in our article on the new WhatsApp reaction now WhatsApp is rolling out the ability to everyone following the announcement of Mark Zuckerberg.

Mark Zuckerberg's Announcement

WhatsApp also confirmed the same in their tweet as well.

Twitter new “πŸ’“” by author labels

Twitter is showing a new label for reply tweets that the author has liked as below.

Liked By Author Twitter

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